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泰晓资讯·12 月 / 第三期 / 2023
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Linux 内核最新消息
Linus Torvalds 通常在周日的晚上(美国时间)发布新的上游版本,但对于 Linux 6.7-rc7,这次是个例外,按照这位 Linux 创建者的芬兰习俗,他将在 12 月 24 日忙于庆祝活动,为了准备平安夜的庆祝活动,他提前一天发布了 rc7。
过去的一周,Linux 6.7 的开发活动相当安静。所有例行的错误修复都没有什么特别之处。相对来说值得大家注意的有两个项目,一个是有关 Bcachefs 文件系统修复,还有一个是对 Razer Wolverine V2 控制器的 XPad 驱动程序支持。
Linus Torvalds 在周六晚上发布 rc7 的公告中写道:
Normally I do rc releases on a Sunday afternoon, but since tomorrow is Xmas Eve, and the festivities will have started (or at least I’ll be driving to the store a few times for everything that we forgot - not a year has passed without some last-minute “Oh, we need …”), I’m doing rc7 on a Saturday instead.
As as I already mentioned in an earlier email or two, while things look fine and we could release a final 6.7 next weekend as per the usual schedule, I’m not going to do that. It’s the holidays, lots of people have already been off for a week or more, and plan on being off for the upcoming week (or more).
So next weekend is going to be rc8, and I expect that it will be small as nobody should be around.
And then we might get back to a more normal schedule the week after. Maybe.
Anyway, rc7 itself looks fairly normal. It’s actually a bit bigger than rc6 was, but not hugely so, and nothing in here looks at all strange. Please do give it a whirl if you have the time and the energy, but let’s face it, I expect things to be very quiet and this to be one of those “nothing happens” weeks. Because even if you aren’t celebrating this time of year, you might take advantage of the peace and quiet.
同时需要注意的是,如果你曾经希望在除夕夜编译一个新出的 Linux 6.7 稳定内核,这个计划将不得不被推迟,因为 Linux 6.7 稳定版要到下周才会发布。
基于目前 Linux 6.7 开发趋势和惯例,通常意味着 Linux 6.7-rc7 将在 12 月 24 日星期日发布,然后在 12 月 31 日(除夕夜)发布 Linux 6.7 稳定版,除非前一周的版本被发现十分严重的问题。但 Linus Torvalds 于上周宣布,由于年底假期,他已经打算将发布推迟一周。
Linux 6.7 周期一直保持良好趋势,没有出现重大问题,Linus Torvalds 在他的每周 RC 发布消息中指出,事情进展正常。但是随着圣诞节和新年的到来,他计划将发布时间推迟一周,以避免在元旦打开 Linux 6.8 的合并窗口。
他的计划是在 1 月 7 日发布 Linux 6.7 稳定版,而 Linux 6.8 的合并窗口将在 1 月 8 日开放,这将是在假期过后,可以避免给内核维护者带来任何额外的负担。Torvalds 在邮件列表上原话如下:
“Just FYI - my current plan is that -rc7 will happen this Saturday (because I still follow the Finnish customs of Christmas Eve being the important day, so Sunday I’ll be off), and then if anything comes in that week - which it will do, even if networking might be offline - I’ll do an rc8 the week after.
Then, unless anything odd happens, the final 6.7 release will be Jan 7th, and so the merge window for 6.8 will open Jan 8th.
So that’s the plan, and it doesn’t look like there’s anything strange going on that would cause me to delay any further, so it’s pretty likely to hold. Knock wood.”
因此,Linux 6.7 开发周期将比以往版本额外多一周时间,这样,内核开发人员避免了在假期期间为 Linux 6.8 合并窗口准备更改。同时,这也意味着 Linux 6.8 稳定版可能会在 3 月中旬而不是 3 月初发布。这可能会给一些计划在春季采用 6.8 内核发布版本的 Linux 发行版带来麻烦,因为这可能太接近或超过他们的内核冻结日期。但这是否会最终影响这些发行版还需要继续观察。无论如何,Linux 6.8 将是我们下一个重点关注的版本,到目前为止,很多新功能已经在排队等待合入。
Linux 6.7 之后就是 6.8 …… 这真是一个永无止境的循环。
https://www.kernel.org/ updated by 2023/12/28
分支类型 | 版本 | 发布时间 |
mainline | 6.7-rc7 | 2023-12-24 |
stable | 6.6.8 | 2023-12-20 |
stable | 6.5.13 [EOL] | 2023-11-28 |
longterm | 6.1.69 | 2023-12-20 |
longterm | 5.15.145 | 2023-12-23 |
longterm | 5.10.205 | 2023-12-20 |
longterm | 5.4.265 | 2023-12-20 |
longterm | 4.19.303 | 2023-12-20 |
longterm | 4.14.334 | 2023-12-20 |
linux-next | next-20231222 | 2023-12-22 |
关键词: Linux
Linux 针对 LoongArch 的 KVM 支持将继续升级
With the Linux 6.7 kernel there is now KVM virtualization support for LoongArch CPUs. With the upcoming Linux 6.8 kernel cycle, that KVM support is being further extended for these RISC-V-inspired and MIPS64-derived Chinese processors.
在 Linux 6.7 内核中,现在已经支持了针对 LoongArch CPU 的 KVM 虚拟化。随着即将到来的 Linux 6.8 内核周期,针对该架构的 KVM 支持将进一步扩展。
接下来的内核将添加更多功能。针对 Linux 6.8 的 LoongArch KVM 更改已于上周六发布,包括对 memslot 大页面检查的优化、修复硬件/软件计时器问题以及 LSX/LASX。
LSX/LASX 是指分别用于支持 LoongArch 架构的 128 位和 256 位 SIMD。LASX 类似于 AVX2,Linux 内核和开源编译器工具链已经可以支持这些矢量指令。KVM 需要特殊处理来支持 LoongArch 客户机使用 LSX 和 LASX,这将在 Linux 6.8 中实现。
新闻出处,“LoongArch KVM Support Extended To Allow LSX/LASX SIMD Support”: https://www.phoronix.com/news/LoongArch-KVM-Linux-6.8。
关键词: Linux, LoongArch, KVM
Debian 可能会在不久的将来放弃 i386
There was recently a mini DebConf in Cambridge where the Debian GNU/Linux release team held a spring and figured out some items moving forward, including the dim future for i386 moving forward.
最近在剑桥有一个小型的 DebConf,Debian GNU/Linux 发布团队在那里召开了一个春季会议,并提出了一些未来的计划,包括未来将放弃对 i386 的支持。
Debian 发布团队决定包括 Linux 内核、Debian 安装程序和 Debian 的 image 发布团队将在不久的将来停止支持 i386(“cease to support i386 in the near future.”)。
引用来自 Debian 开发者 Paul Gevers 的原文分享如下:
A future for the i386 architecture
Insofar as they still do, we anticipate that the kernel, d-i and images teams will cease to support i386 in the near future. Following that, there are two routes into running i386:
- as a multi-arch option on an otherwise amd64 system
- as an i386 chroot on another architecture system
We’re not planning to make i386 a partial architecture in the way Ubuntu has, arch:any will still contain i386 so everything builds by default. Maintainers who wish to drop i386 support can do so after coordination with the reverse (build) dependencies of their package, as with dropping support for any other architecture. We also like to note that we have no opposition to changes to the baseline when these changes land (it’s a port matter).
考虑到其他 Linux 发行版多年来一直在远离 i386,一些 Linux 发行版甚至提高了他们的 x86-64 微架构基线,看到 Debian 最终放弃 i386 也就不足为奇了。
新闻出处,“Debian Likely Moving Away From i386 In The Near Future”: https://www.phoronix.com/news/Debian-Plans-Cease-i386。
关键词: Debian, i386
Ubuntu 24.04 LTS 将默认启用 Frame Pointers,以便更好地进行分析和调试
Canonical has decided for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS that they will now enable frame pointers by default when building packages. There will still selectively be some packages where they decide to disable frame pointers due to the performance overhead, but the focus on this change is to improve the out-of-the-box debugging and profiling support on the Linux distribution.
继 Fedora 决定默认为其软件包构建启用 Frame Pointers 以帮助调试和分析库存软件包之后,Ubuntu Linux 现在也将这样做。Canonical 已经决定在构建 Ubuntu 24.04 LTS 时默认启用 Frame Pointers,准确地说,默认情况下,Ubuntu 将为所有 64 位架构的机器启用 Frame Pointers。这将改进该款 Linux 发行版上的开箱即用调试和分析支持。考虑到打开该选项后会引入性能开销,所以仍然会有一些软件包会选择禁用 Frame Pointers。
就在这一消息发布前,Canonical 宣布他们正在探索 Ubuntu Linux 的 x86-64-v3 微架构功能级构建。Canonical 加大了专注于 Ubuntu Linux 性能的努力。
新闻出处,“Ubuntu 24.04 LTS To Enable Frame Pointers By Default For Better Profiling/Debugging”: https://www.phoronix.com/news/Ubuntu-Frame-Pointers-Default。
关键词: Ubuntu
LLVM 迁移到像 GCC 这样的版本控制方案 - 稳定分支的 N.1 版本
Following discussions with upstream developers, LLVM is changing its versioning as part of the branch creation process to better distinguish mainline development builds of LLVM against those from stable (or soon to be stable) release branches.
在与上游开发人员讨论后,LLVM 正在更改其版本控制策略,以更好地区分 LLVM 的主线开发版本与稳定(或即将稳定)发布分支的版本。
第一个稳定版本实际上是 LLVM 18.1,而不是像 LLVM Git 当前指示的版本那样坚持将 “LLVM 18.0” 作为下一个稳定的 LLVM 版本。这类似于 GCC 在过去几年中处理版本控制的方式,N.1 版本将是他们的第一个稳定版本。
基于该规定,LLVM 的单点稳定版本将是 LLVM 18.1.1、18.1.2 等。但是如果有重大更新,譬如,如果发生 ABI 改变,则只会有一个 LLVM 18.2,这与 GCC 的 13.1、13.2 等小版本相比略有不同。
“This will help distinguish release branch builds from development branch builds, and is similar to GCC’s version numbering policy.
Thus, the branch
will start out numbered 18.1.0, instead of 18.0.0.Unchanged are other versioning policies:
- mainline will be numbered 18.0.0, 19.0.0, …
- typical release branch releases will increment micro version, e.g. 18.1.1, 18.1.2, ….
- If an ABI break is required on the release branch, the minor version will be incremented, e.g. to 18.2.0.”
最近在 LLVM Discourse 上讨论了版本控制的这种差异,并且随着周五的提交,一旦 LLVM 18 发布过程在 1 月下旬开始,就会按照以上规则实现。
新闻出处,“LLVM Moves To A Versioning Scheme Like GCC - N.1 Version For Stable Branch”: https://www.phoronix.com/news/LLVM-N-1-Stable-Versioning。
关键词: LLVM
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