[置顶] 泰晓 RISC-V 实验箱,配套 30+ 讲嵌入式 Linux 系统开发公开课
泰晓资讯·11月 / 第一期 / 2015
Anandtech:iPhone 6s 和 iPhone 6s Plus 评测报告
With yet another round of architectural improvements and a clockspeed approaching 2GHz, comparing Apple’s CPU designs to Intel’s is less rhetorical than ever before.
可能是技术最深度的评测报告,过瘾的 A9 芯片解读
The Information: Google 考虑自己设计芯片
Google recently talked with some microchip makers about developing chips based on Google’s own preferred designs
That, Google hopes, would make its Android mobile operating system more competitive with Apple’s phones at the high end of the market and solve other major problems.
如 A 系列芯片之于 iOS;优化 Android 生态的垂直整合水平
Intel OTC: 我们做到了 Chrome OS 图形管线上的纹理零拷贝
Native zero-copy in Intel architecture is always beneficial in both performance measurements and memory consumption measurements that we performed.
领略 Chrome OS 图形管线;内核 DRM 子系统与 dma-buf 框架之舞;CPU 与 GPU 统一寻址、HSA(Heterogeneous System Architecture)之小犀利
顺便说一句,Chrome OS 并入 Android 流言已由 Google 出面辟谣
Phoronix.com: NVIDIA 似蓄势待发 Vulkan 驱动
NVIDIA is readying their Vulkan drivers for a same-day release and on the Windows side they’ve already begun exposing some of the Vulkan interface.
次世代图形编程接口,OpenGL 接班人,这么快就来了
Phoronix.com: 触摸板 协议及 Weson 支持之开发再启动
Peter Hutterer is back to working on tablet protocol and support for Wayland/Weston.
移动互联时代,UI 交互之基础技术正发生积极变革。比如 Vulkan 替代 OpenGL,还有开源的 Wayland/Weston Stack 替代 Xorg
LKML: Btrfs 在 Linux 4.4 开发版本有许多改进
The Btrfs file-system in Linux 4.4 has a number of sub-volume quota improvements, many code clean-ups, and a number of allocator fixes based upon their usage at Facebook
Btrfs 被认为是 Linux 下一代文件系统,采用类似 ZFS COW 而非日志的可靠性机理。目前正在 FB 规模试用
LKML: Linux Kernel Library 让应用使用 Kernel 代码
With LKL, the kernel code is compiled into an object file that can be directly linked by applications.
LKL is implemented as an architecture port in arch/lkl. It relies on host operations defined by the application or a host library (tools/lkl/lib).
与本站相似的点子。不过我们出发点是用户态复用内核 C 库,且臆想一份代码页,内核和用户空间两映射
LWN: 内核自我保护(Self Protection)项目启动
a community of people to work on the various kernel self-protection technologies (most of which are found in PaX and Grsecurity)
华盛顿邮报近日撰文指 Linux 缺乏安全性。文中引 Linus 言:
“Security in itself is useless. . . . The upside is always somewhere else. The security is never the thing that you really care about.”
“If you run a nuclear power plant that can kill millions of people, you don’t connect it to the Internet.”
LKML: Linus 发飙写的丑的代码
The above code is sh*t, and it generates shit code. It looks bad, and there’s no reason for it.
All this kind of crap does is to make the code a unreadable mess with code that no sane person will ever really understand what it actually does.
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