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泰晓资讯·10月 / 第三期 / 2019
“泰晓资讯”,广泛报道 “Linux/开源” 业界资讯。欢迎广大读者投递相关资讯来源和素材,本站将进一步收集整理后发布给大家。
复杂的 printk()
The kernel’s
function seems like it should be relatively simple; all it does is format a string and output it to the kernel logs. That simplicity hides a lot of underlying complexity, though, and that complexity is why kernel developers are still unhappy withprintk()
after 28 years. At the 2019 Linux Plumbers Conference, John Ogness explained where the complexity inprintk()
comes from and what is being done to improve the situation.
在普通人想象中,内核的 printk()
函数应该是个非常简单的函数,只要处理好字符串格式化然后输出到内核的日志里就好。但实际上这背后隐藏着非常多的问题。从使用上来看,该函数的实现既不能干扰系统的正常运行,本身又要足够的可靠;而且由于内核l代码在各种上下文环境下都会调用这个函数,所以它的底层逻辑跟系统的方方面面都会纠缠在一起,实现起来特别复杂。28 年过去了,内核开发者们对 printk()
仍然非常不满意。在 2019 Linux Plumbers 会议上,John Ogness 介绍了printk()
的发展史、实现该函数的复杂性之所在,以及近期与改进这个函数相关的工作进展。更多细节可以阅读 “原文”。
关键词: Linux,printk
有关输入子系统(input stack)的最新报道
The input stack for Linux is an essential part of interacting with our systems, but it is also an area that is lacking in terms of developers. There has been progress over the last few years, however; Peter Hutterer from Red Hat came to the 2019 X.Org Developers Conference to talk about some of the work that has been done. He gave a status report on the input stack that covered development work that is going on now as well as things that have been completed in the last two years or so. Overall, things are looking pretty good for input on Linux, though the “bus factor” for the stack is alarmingly low.
输入子系统 (input stack)是系统基本交互功能的基础,内核过去几年在这个子系统上的工作进展不少。来自 Red Hat 的 Peter Hutterer 在 2019 X.Org 开发者大会上介绍了该领域近期完成的一些工作,包括:对高精度鼠标(High-resolution mouse scrolling)设备的支持大概会在接下来的一两个月里加入 Linux,从而可以提供对鼠标滚轮的更高精度的检测。Hutterer 还介绍了一些有关 libinput (输入子系统库)的开发进展(包括 “libinput quirks”),以及针对 libinput 增加在用户态模拟 input device 的工作,这么做的目的是为了简化对 libinput 库的测试。总体来说,Linux 的输入子系统状况看起来还不错,但有个问题是这一部分的维护者数量太少了。更多详细介绍参考 “原文”。
关键词: Linux,input
Linux QQ 突然复活
自从 10 年前,据说是一位实习生随手做的 Linux QQ 停更并停用后,在 Linux 中使用 QQ 就成了一件麻烦事。但就在刚刚过去的 1024 深夜,突然,有人在 QQ 群内丢了一个链接和一句话 “Linux QQ 发布了”。好了,我想你肯定已经等不急了,那么下面就是 Linux QQ 的下载链接:https://im.qq.com/linuxqq/download.html
。据官方的消息,这次是 “Linux QQ 全新回归”,并且支持 “x64、ARM64、MIPS64 三种架构”,“每种架构支持 Debian 系、红帽系、Arch Linux 系、其它发行版中的一种或几种”,也有 “优化消息体验,完善消息收发能力”,同时版本号也是明晃晃的 “Linux QQ 2.0.0 Beta”。而在十年前,最后一个公开发布的版本是 “QQ for Linux 1.0 Beta1”(也曾听说有未公开发布的 Beta2 版本)。希望这次全新的回归能够让 Linux QQ 持续保持更新,那对于 Linux 的桌面生态应用来说,的确是一大利好消息。
关键词: Linux,QQ
Richard Stallman “帅位不保”
GNU developers unhappy with Richard Stallman sticking around as head of the GNU Project and not planning to make any “radical” changes are now expressing their desire for the GNU to be restructured as a “bottom-up” organization whereby those active developers and volunteers involved could potentially have more say.
继前些日子 Richard Stallman 表示辞去 FSF 主席职务后,他近日在 GNU 邮件列表中发表了一份简短的声明,表示对于 GNU 项目来说,其目标,原则和政策暂不会有任何大的变化。 "I would like to make incremental changes in how some decisions are made, because I won't be here forever and we need to ready others to make GNU Project decisions when I can no longer do so. But these won't lead to unbounded or radical changes."
这意味着 Richard Stallman 仍将继续在 GNU 项目中担任领导职位。但与此同时,部分 GNU 开发人员对其继续该项目负责人感到不满,他们希望采取 “自下而上” 的方式对 GNU 进行重组,使那些活跃的开发人员和志愿者可以参与其中,并拥有更多的发言权。
关键词: Richard Stallman,GNU
Linux 基金会又收获一新开源项目
Databricks, the big data analytics service founded by the original developers of Apache Spark, today announced that it is bringing its Delta Lake open-source project for building data lakes to the Linux Foundation and under an open governance model. The company announced the launch of Delta Lake earlier this year and even though it’s still a relatively new project, it has already been adopted by many organizations and has found backing from companies like Intel, Alibaba and Booz Allen Hamilton.
由原 Apache Spark 开发人员创建的大数据分析服务公司 Databricks 今日宣布,为了贯彻开放理念,该公司将其用于构建数据湖(data lakes)的 Delta Lake 开源项目贡献给 Linux 基金会。 该公司于今年早些时候宣布启动 Delta Lake 项目,尽管它仍是一个相对较新的项目,但已被许多组织采用,并得到了英特尔,阿里巴巴和布兹·艾伦·汉密尔顿等公司的支持。
关键词: Databricks,Linux Foundation
Intel 又遭爆料
The Linux kernel patch was spotted by chip info leaker @KOMANCHI_ENSAKA on Twitter, with the patch having been signed off by an Intel senior graphics software engineer Kan Liang. This is by no means conclusive evidence that 10nm desktop parts are on their way. However, it does suggest that rumours of Intel skipping the 10nm process node for its desktop CPUs to pursue a 7nm fabrication process instead are not accurate; in fact, an Intel spokesperson also told us that such rumours were piffle.
名为 “KOMANCHI_ENSAKA” 的用户在 Twitter 上爆料,他发现了一个由英特尔高级图形软件工程师 Kan Liang 签名提交的 Linux 内核补丁,从该补丁的内容可以确凿地证明基于 10nm 工艺的处理器芯片即将上市。 同时这也表明,以前流传英特尔会跳过 10纳米制程,直接采用 7nm 制程的说法是不正确的; 实际上,英特尔发言人也明确地告诉过我们,这些谣言都是胡说八道。
关键词: Intel
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