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泰晓资讯·10月 / 第一期 / 2019

Wang Chen 创作于 2019/10/11

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2019 Linux Plumbers 峰会精彩主题摘录

  • GCC 和 Clang 的安全性讨论

    Hardening must be performed at all levels of a system, including in the compiler that is used to build that system. There are two viable compilers in the free-software community now, each of which offers a different set of security features. Kees Cook ran a session during the Toolchains microconference at the 2019 Linux Plumbers Conference that examined the security-feature support provided by both GCC and LLVM Clang, noting the places where each one could stand to improve.

    系统安全依赖于整体的解决方案,包括用于构建软件的编译器。现在,自由软件社区中有两个编译器(gcc 和 clang),这两个编译器都提供了各自不同的对安全性支持。Kees Cook 在 2019 年 Linux Plumbers 大会的工具链分会上主持了一次讨论,对 GCC 和 LLVM Clang 提供的安全功能支持进行了总结,Cook 先介绍了长久以来两者都支持的那些已有安全功能,包括 stack canary(堆栈上写入特殊标记从而检测是否被破坏),使用不安全的 format-string 时给出警告,等等。稍后主要介绍了近期新加入的安全功能。更多介绍请阅读 原文

  • Glibc 对 Linux 系统调用的封装支持

    The GNU C Library has long had a reputation for being hostile to the addition of wrappers for new Linux system calls; that has resulted in many system calls being unsupported by the library for years. That situation is changing, though. During the Toolchain microconference at the 2019 Linux Plumbers Conference, Maciej Rozycki talked about glibc’s new attitude toward system-call wrappers, but also served notice that there is still significant work to do for the addition of any new system call.

    GNU 的 C 库长期以来在对 Linux 内核的支持上一直存在一个被人诟病的问题,就是对新的系统调用不能及时提供封装函数;导致许多系统调用多年来不被库所支持。然而,这种状况正在发生改变。在 2019 年 Linux Plumbers 大会的工具链分会场上,Maciej Rozycki 介绍了 glibc 的新态度正在向好的方面发展,但也注意到,在该项支持上仍有大量工作要做。更多介绍请阅读 原文

关键词: Linux,Plumbers,Toolchain

2019 Linux Kernel Maintainers 峰会精彩主题摘录

The 2019 version of the invitation-only Linux Kernel Maintainers Summit was held on September 12 2019, in Lisbon, Portugal. There, 31 kernel developers discussed a number of issues relating to the kernel development process and how it can be improved.

2019 年 Linux 内核维护者峰会(Linux Kernel Maintainers Summit)于 2019 年9月 12 日在葡萄牙里斯本举行。在那里,受邀参与大会的 31 个内核开发人员讨论了与内核开发过程以及如何改进它相关的一些问题。

关键词: Linux,Maintainers

5.4-rc1 合并提交窗口已关闭

As of this writing, 9,632 non-merge changesets have been merged for the 5.4 kernel. This merge window is thus off to a strong start. There has been a wide range of changes merged across the kernel tree, including vast numbers of cleanups and fixes.

截至在 9 月 底,5.4 版本的内核已经合并了 9,632 个变更。 整个内核树中已合并了许多更改,包括大量清理和修复。和既定计划几乎一致,5.4 rc1 的合并窗口已经于 9 月 30 日 关闭,5.4-rc1 内核发布后,LWN 将会追踪报道。 如果一切顺利,最终的 5.4 版本预期将在 11 月的下半月发布。

关键词: Linux,5.4-rc1

Firefox 的发布周期提速到每四周发布一个版本

The Mozilla blog has an announcement that Firefox will be moving to 4-week release cycle, starting in 2020. “Shorter release cycles provide greater flexibility to support product planning and priority changes due to business or market requirements. With four-week cycles, we can be more agile and ship features faster, while applying the same rigor and due diligence needed for a high-quality and stable release. Also, we put new features and implementation of new Web APIs into the hands of developers more quickly.” The Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release) release cadence will remain the same.

Mozilla 的官方博客宣布,Firefox 将从 2020 年开始将其发布周期修改为每四周发布一次。援引官博的原话:”缩短发布周期提供了更大的灵活性,以支持产品规划和由于业务或市场需求而导致的优先级更改。以四周的间隔发布版本,使我们在保证发布的高质量以及其稳定性基础上可以更加敏捷,更快地提供功能,更快地将新的 Web API 实现提供到开发人员的手中。” 此外,Firefox ESR(扩展支持版本)的发布节奏将保持不变。

关键词: Firefox,release

Richard Stallman 从自由软件基金会提前退休

With a brief announcement, the Free Software Foundation has let it be known that founder Richard Stallman has resigned both as president and from the board of directors. “The board will be conducting a search for a new president, beginning immediately. Further details of the search will be published on fsf.org”.

FSF(Free Software Foundation 自由软件基金会)上个月 16 号 发布了一份简短的公告,在公告中宣布该基金会的创始人 Richard M. Stallman 已经辞去了基金会主席和董事会的职务。"董事会将立即开始寻找新的主席。进一步的详细信息将在FSF 的官方主页上公布"

关键词: Richard Stallman

LLVM 9.0.0 发布

Version 9.0.0 of the LLVM compiler suite is out. Headline changes include asm goto support — fixing one of the main impediments to compiling the kernel on x86 with LLVM — and non-experimental support for the RISC-V architecture.

LLVM 编译器套件 9.0.0 版已发布。这个版本是 llvm 社区过去六个月工作的结果,主要的修改包括:

  • 支持 asm goto,开始支持使用 clang 对 X86_64 体系架构的主线 linux 内核版本进行编译。
  • 正式支持 RISCV-V 体系架构
  • 对 OpenCL 中 C++ 的实验性支持


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