[置顶] 泰晓 RISC-V 实验箱,配套 30+ 讲嵌入式 Linux 系统开发公开课
泰晓资讯·1月 / 第三期 / 2021
“泰晓资讯”,广泛报道 “Linux/开源” 业界资讯。欢迎广大读者投递相关资讯来源和素材,本站将进一步收集整理后发布给大家。
Linux 内核状态更新
由于圣诞假期的缘故,Linux 5.11-rc2 的改动不大,为此 Linus Torvalds 开玩笑说这是因为假期开发人员纷纷回家只顾着干饭导致。但随着假期结束,开发者和测试人员重返工作岗位,刚刚发布的 Linux 5.11-rc3 版本内容看上去要丰富许多。Torvalds 评价称最终的 rc3 版本改进规模在历来的 rc3 过程中是偏大的,虽然没有创下纪录,但肯定比一般的 rc3 版本要大。
So in the rc2 announcement notes I thought we might have a slow week for rc3 as well due to people just coming back from vacations and it taking some time for bug reports etc to start tricking in.
That turned out to be the incoherent ramblings of a crazy old man.
Because while the week started out fairly slow, you guys certainly showed me, and the final rc3 ends up being on the bigger side as rc3s go. Not “beating records” big, but certainly bigger than average. So instead of some slow start due to the holidays, I think we saw some pent-up fixes.
分支类型 | 版本 | 发布时间 |
mainline | 5.11-rc3 | 2021-01-10 |
stable | 5.10.7 | 2021-01-12 |
stable | 5.9.16 [EOL] | 2020-12-21 |
longterm | 5.4.89 | 2021-01-12 |
longterm | 4.19.167 | 2021-01-12 |
longterm | 4.14.215 | 2021-01-12 |
longterm | 4.9.251 | 2021-01-12 |
longterm | 4.4.251 | 2021-01-12 |
linux-next | next-20210114 | 2021-01-14 |
关键词: Linux
Linux 内核中支持的老旧处理器平台兹待清理
With 5.10 under its belt, the Linux community is discussing swinging the axe on some elderly platforms and CPUs, including a bunch that are ARM-based. Even the poor old 80486DX/SX has come in for scrutiny.
近日,知名 Linux 内核开发者 Arnd Bergmann 发起了一个讨论:希望能够删除一堆对老旧 CPU 的支持。自从 Linux 5.10 官方宣布为 LTS 版本以来,他发现有一些 ARM 平台至少 5 年未维护或被使用,因此他研究了这些看上去需要删除的 CPU 平台,并提出了几个列表。大家一起来围观一下,看看是否有你曾经用过的?
- asm9260 – added in 2014, no notable changes after 2015
- axxia – added in 2014, no notable changes after 2015
- bcm/kona – added in 2013, no notable changes after 2014
- digicolor – added in 2014, no notable changes after 2015
- dove – added in 2009, obsoleted by mach-mvebu in 2015
- efm32 – added in 2011, first Cortex-M, no notable changes after 2013
- nspire – added in 2013, no notable changes after 2015
- picoxcell – added in 2011, already queued for removal
- prima2 – added in 20111, no notable changes since 2015
- spear – added in 2010, no notable changes since 2015
- tango – added in 2015, sporadic changes until 2017, but abandoned
- u300 – added in 2009, no notable changes since 2013
- vt8500 – added in 2010, no notable changes since 2014
- zx –added in 2015 for both 32, 2017 for 64 bit, no notable changes
第二个列表中列出了ARM 平台上的老款处理器,如果征得相关 maintainer 同意后建议删除。
- clps711x – prehistoric, converted to multiplatform+DT in 2016, no changes since
- cns3xxx – added in 2010, last fixed in 2019, probably no users left
- ep93xx – added in 2006, LinusW still working on it, any users left?
- footbridge – added in prehistory, stable since ~2013, rmk and LinusW have one
- gemini – added in 2009, LinusW still working on it
- hisi (hip01/hip05) – servers added in 2013, replaced with arm64 in 2016
- highbank – added in 2011, no changes after 2015, but Andre still uses it
- iop32x – added in 2006, no notable changes other than my cleanup, but I think there are still users
- ixp4xx – prehistoric, but LinusW and I are still working on it
- lpc18xx – added in 2015, new dts in 2018, but few other changes
- lpc32xx – added in 2010, multiplatform 2019, hardware is EOL
- mmp – added in 2009, DT support is active, but board files might go
- moxart – added in 2013, last Tested-by in 2017
- mv78xx0 – added in 2008, mostly stale but still users (https://github.com/1000001101000/Debian_on_Buffalo)
- nomadik – added in 2009, LinusW keeps fixing it, probably no other users
- oxnas – added in 2016, but already old then, few changes later
- pxa – prehistoric, but a few boards may still have users
- rpc – prehistoric, but I think Russell still uses his machine
- sa1100 – prehistoric, but rmk and LinusW sporadically working in it
第三个列表中的 CPU 类型是那些长期未维护或使用的非 ARM 平台,取决于维护者是否希望删除。
- h8300: Steven Rostedt has repeatedly asked about it to be removed or fixed in 2020 with no reply. This was killed before in 2013, added back in 2015 but has been mostly stale again since 2016
- c6x: Added in 2011, this has seen very few updates since, but Mark still Acks patches when they come. Like most other DSP platforms, the model of running Linux on a DSP appears to have been obsoleted by using Linux on ARM with on-chip DSP cores running bare-metal code.
- sparc/sun4m: A patch for removing 32-bit Sun sparc support (not LEON) is currently under review
- powerpc/cell: I’m the maintainer and I promised to send a patch to remove it. it’s in my backlog but I will get to it. This is separate from PS3, which is actively maintained and used; spufs will move to ps3
- powerpc/chrp (32-bit rs6000, pegasos2): last updated in 2009
- powerpc/amigaone: last updated in 2009
- powerpc/maple: last updated in 2011
- m68k/{apollo,hp300,sun3,q40} these are all presumably dead and have not seen updates in many years (atari/amiga/mac and coldfire are very much alive)
- mips/jazz: last updated in 2007
- mips/cobalt: last updated in 2010
- 80486SX/DX: 80386 CPUs were dropped in 2012, and there are indications that 486 have no users either on recent kernels. There is still the Vortex86 family of SoCs, and the oldest of those were 486SX-class, but all the modern ones are 586-class.
- Alpha 2106x: First generation that lacks some of the later features. Since all Alphas are ancient by now, it’s hard to tell whether these have any fewer users.
- IA64 Merced: first generation Itanium (2001) was quickly replaced by Itanium II in 2002.
- MIPS R3000/TX39xx: 32-bit MIPS-II generation, mostly superseded by 64-bit MIPS-III (R4000 and higher) starting in 1991. arch/mips still supports these in DECstation and Toshiba Txx9, but it appears that most of those machines are of the 64-bit kind. Later MIPS32 such as 4Kc and later are rather different and widely used.
- PowerPC 601 (from 1992) just got removed, later 60x, 4xx, 8xx etc are apparently all still used.
- SuperH SH-2: We discussed removing SH-2 (not J2 or SH-4) support in the past, I don’t think there were any objections, but nobody submitted a patch.
- 68000/68328 (Dragonball): these are less capable than the 68020+ or the Coldfire MCF5xxx line and similar to the 68360 that was removed in 2016.
更多内容请参考邮件列表原文 “Old platforms: bring out your dead” (https://lkml.org/lkml/2021/1/8/904)。
关键词: Linux
值此岁末年初之际,著名的 LWN 在线杂志又照例对开源社区盘点了过去的 2020 年(”LWN’s 2020 Retrospective” (https://lwn.net/Articles/840446/)),以及对 2021 年的未来做了点小预测(”Some unlikely 2021 predictions” (https://lwn.net/Articles/840632/))。看了一下觉得有点意思,简单摘录了一些与大家分享。感兴趣的同学可以去读一读原文。
在过去的 2020 年,首先值得庆幸的是 Python 项目在其创始人 Guido 离开后正在逐渐找到自己的道路。而 Guido van Rossum 本人也并没有像人们想象的那样完全缺席 Python 的发展,他仍然时刻关注着语言的发展,并对其发展方向有很大的发言权。Python 的治理可能确实是在没有 Guido 的情况下进行的,但是项目的领导者仍然会听从他的意见。另外一个和 Python 有点关系的故事是:虽然开源社区中退休的人似乎越来越多,但 Guido 却结束了他的退休生活,重返 “打工人” 的行列(注:2020 年 11 月 12 日, 64 岁 的 Python 之父 Guido van Rossum 宣布:由于退休生活太无聊,自己决定加入 Microsoft 的 DevDiv Team)。
相比 Python,另一个发展得不太好的项目就算是 GNU 了,Richard Stallman 仍然是项目的负责人(正如人们所预料的那样),但该项目给人的感觉是大部分时间下处于一种群龙无首的状态。
再来看看 LWN 预测在 2021 会发生什么有趣的事情:首先也是必须的,LWN 预测今年全世界将从疫情的深渊中走出来 。由于目前看起来这场疫情对自由软件社区的影响相对较小,所以可以预料,疫情结束之后社区也不会有太大的变化。我们还将一如既往地继续创造伟大的软件(bingo)。可能有点区别的是虽然面对面地开会对社区的长期健康发展的确是非常重要,但大家或许已经习惯了在线会议而不太愿意长途出差了,当然不排除是由于出差经费报销的问题。因此 LWN 估计 2021 年里我们的会议中有许多还是会在线举行。
疫情给我们带来的另一个重要变化可能在于我们社会中的一些人会得出 “人生苦短” 的结论,于是希望在键盘之外花费更多的时间。所以或许在未来一两年内,可能会看到更多人员退休。作为打工人的你,请问怎么看?
另外,BPF 的商业特性在 2021 年将变得更加突出 。BPF 允许将代码加载到正在运行的 Linux 内核中,并在内核态中执行。在过去的几年中,它的功能和用途一直在快速增长。今年,我们将看到公司如何使用它来构建他们的产品和服务。BPF 使得向内核添加有趣的功能更加容易了,但它也起到了将实现这些功能的代码与内核源码独立开的效果。我们未来的系统可能会更灵活、功能更强大,但它们也可能因此会变得更加专有(proprietary),尽管所有的代码从表面上看来都是 free 的。
关键词: LWN
BeagleBoard 新推一款 RISC-V 架构卡片电脑
2021 年 1 月 13 日,由深圳矽递(Seeed)科技股份有限公司与全球领先的 RISC-V 解决方案提供商赛昉科技协作研发,并联合全球知名的开源公益组织 BeagleBoard.org 共同发布了一款开源领域的革命性产品 - 星光系列 (BeagleV) 单板计算机。这是 RISC-V 架构的第一款实用级 Linux 电脑。它的出现将开源的产品推向了一个新的高度,结合 149 美元的超低首发价、领先的创新和设计行业解决方案,势必赋予开发者更多的开发自由和创新。除此之外,更值得期待的是,产品还将在未来数月陆续推出星光系列 (BeagleV) 更高性价比的迭代版本。
此产品将于 3 月初上线正式开启全球预售(http://beaglev.seeed.cc/),9 月份实现全面量产供应。星光系列 (BeagleV™) 单板计算机预售版本,搭载全球的前沿技术,包括强大的 AI 性能,内置神经网络引擎(NNE)和 ISP,千兆以太网,8 GB LPDDR 内存的双核 64 位 RISC-V CPU,支持实时的 4k@60fps 编解码。
这三家拥有独特商业模式的公司密切合作,提供了一个革命性的平台,通过一系列完全开放的基于 RISC-V 的实用级计算机设备,促进 RISC-V 生态的发展,推动基于 RISC-V 的项目产品化,并为全球开发者社区贡献更多的开源硬件。
关键词: RISC-V, Seeed, 赛昉科技, BeagleBoard
第二届 RISC-V 国际开源论坛即将召开
随着以 RISC-V 为主体的开源芯片生态的不断完善,IoT、AI、自动驾驶、移动终端等领域的芯片创新热情正在持续升温,国内外基于 RISC-V 的芯片如雨后春笋般迅速涌现,引发了从指令集到系统软件的整个芯片产业的巨大变革。围绕 RISC-V 搭建自由多元的交流平台,分享 RISC-V 的研发经验,探讨 RISC-V 的前沿技术动态和发展趋势,既是开放开源的精神所在,亦是互惠共赢的大势所趋。
2021 年 1 月2 7 日- 28 日,帕特森 RISC-V 国际开源实验室(RIOS)、RISC-V 国际基金会和鹏城实验室联盟,将携手举办第二届 RISC-V 国际开源论坛”(RIOS RISC-V Open Source Forum)。论坛将紧密围绕基于 RISC-V 的芯片生态的关键技术问题,邀请国内外相关领域学术界和产业界的专家学者,分享 RISC-V 处理器设计、开发工具、IP 核与 SoC 以及系统软件等多个领域的前沿研发成果,共同推动开源芯片设计理念在全世界的繁荣发展,驱动计算架构发展的黄金时代。
更多报道请看 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/CBAAfqEE9NFYlMNmAXTjbg
关键词: RISC-V,开源论坛
一年一度的集创赛大赛由中华人民共和国工业和信息化部人才交流中心主办,本届赛事由重庆高新技术产业开发区管理委员会承办,并由重庆海云捷迅科技有限公司以及重庆邮电大学担任执行承办单位,由重庆西永微电子产业园区,重庆高新区创新服务中心,示范性微电子学院产学融合发展联盟,IEEE 中国代表处以及北京电子学会协办,北京智芯国信科技有限公司负责运营。
2021 年的赛事盛况空前,包含了 IEEE 杯,平头哥杯,DIGILENT 杯,arm 杯等在内的 16 个杯赛赛事。
关键词: 全国大学生集成电路创新创业大赛
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