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泰晓资讯·09月 / 第二期 / 2019
“泰晓资讯”,广泛报道 “Linux/开源” 业界资讯。欢迎广大读者投递相关资讯来源和素材,本站将进一步收集整理后发布给大家。
Linux Lab 发布 v0.2 rc3,新增原生 Windows 支持
继 8 月 16 日发布 v0.2 rc2 之后,Linux Lab 今日发布:v0.2-rc3,该版本除了修复部分功能、完善文档外,新增了原生 Windows 支持。该版本相比 v0.2 rc2 只有数笔修改,主要包括:新增原生 Windows 支持,仅需 Docker,无需安装 Virtualbox 或 Vmware;修复部分功能并完善使用文档。欲了解详情,请点击 Linux Lab v0.2 rc3 发布说明。
关键词: Linux Lab,v0.2-rc3
Linux 内核 5.3-rc8 发布,5.3 正式版本即将登场
As Linux said, Linux Kernel 5.3 is essentially ready to be released and rc8 could easily have been the final version. Everything indicates that the final 5.3 kernel version will be released on Saturday the 16th of September - unless something horrible comes to light this week. There is no mention of any problems on the kernel mailing list as of now.
正如 Linus 所说,Linux Kernel 5.3 基本上已经准备好发布了,而 rc8 很可能是最后一个集成测试版本。一切都表明最终的 5.3 内核版本将于 9 月 16 日星期六发布 - 除非本周爆出比较严重的问题。到目前为止,在内核邮件列表中还没有看到有重大故障的报告。
关键词: Linux,5.3
新版 WPS Office 2019 For Linux 发布
WPS 2019 对 Linux 的支持又发布了新的更新版本 。首次在 Linux 版本上支持了公式功能:公式插入功能,将帮助用户更加舒适地将复杂多变的公式内容精准地落实到文档当中。新版的 WPS 还能够支持在文档中直接嵌入其他形式的文档,实现 WPS 与 DOC/DOCX/XLS/XLSX/PPT/PPTX 等形式文档的高效整合与无缝切换。为一些特定化的文档展现提供更加便捷的解决方案。
关键词: WPS
Python 2 大限在即
On January 1, 2020, the 2.x branch of the Python programming language will no longer be supported by its creators, the Python Software Foundation. This date will mark the culmination of a drama that has stretched on for years—the transition from an older, less capable, widely used version of Python to a newer, more powerful version that still trails its predecessor in adoption.
近日,Python 官网再次发文,提醒将于 2020 年 1 月 1 日正式对 Python 2 停止支持,未升级到 Python 3 的童鞋,应当尽快做好迁移。
如果您的代码采用 Python 2 编写。如果想要将它移植到 Python 3,请阅读官网的迁移指南:
另外推荐阅读 Python 3 语句实践性:
关键词: Python
Looking up a file given a path name seems like a straightforward task, but it turns out to be one of the more complex things the kernel does. Things get more complicated if one is trying to write robust (user-space) code that can do the right thing with paths that are controlled by a potentially hostile user. Attempts to make the open() and openat() system calls safer date back at least to an attempt to add O_BENEATH in 2014, but numerous problems remain. Aleksa Sarai, who has been working in this area for a while, has now concluded that a new version of openat(), naturally called openat2(), is required to truly solve this problem.
从 2.6.16 版本开始,GNU/Linux引入 opeant()
系统调用,其原因之一是为了 open()
函数可能存在的 TOCTOU(Time-Of-Check to Time-Of-Use)漏洞,但目前看起来 openat()
函数还不够完美,使用者可以传入任意的路径从而达到一些非法的目的。为此内核社区一直在努力修正这个函数,试图对传入的路径参数施加控制,但目前看起来继续打补丁是徒劳的,所以最新的状态是:内核打算增加一个新的系统调用 openat2()
来替换原来的 openat()
。欲了解更多详细介绍请点击 英文原文。
关键词: Linux, openat2
GNOME 基金会发起 “编程教育竞赛”
The GNOME Foundation, with support from Endless, has announced the Coding Education Challenge, a competition aimed to attract projects that offer educators and students new and innovative ideas to teach coding with free and open source software. The $500,000 in funding will support the prizes, which will be awarded to the teams who advance through the three stages of the competition.
GNOME 基金会与 Endless 合作,为新手程序员推出一项新的 “编程教育竞赛”。该竞赛旨在鼓励大家建立一些创新型的项目,开拓教育工作者和学生的思路,促进围绕免费/开源软件的编码工作。Endless 已经发放了 50 万美元的资金来支持这些奖品。奖金将颁发给在 “编程教育竞赛” 的三个阶段中取得成果的团队。
关键词: GNOME, Coding Education Challenge
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