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泰晓资讯·05月 / 第四期 / 2019

Wu Zhangjin 创作于 2019/05/31

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LKML: Linux 5.2-rcX: rc1, rc2


Things look fairly normal. Just about two thirds of the patch is drivers (all over), with the bulk of the rest being arch updates, tooling, documentation and vfs/filesystem updates, of which there were more than usual (the unicode tables for ext4 case insensitivity do end up being a big part of the “bulk” side).

Size-wise things look fairly normal. 12k+ commits (plus another ~750 merge commits) is about normal for us by now.


Hey, what’s to say? Fairly normal rc2, no real highlights - I think most of the diff is the SPDX updates.

Who am I kidding? The highlight of the week was clearly Finland winning the ice hockey world championships.

关键词:Linux 5.2, EXT4, SPDX。

本周从目前的两个 rc 来看,并没有特别多激动人心的地方,rc1 的亮点是 EXT4 加入了 Case Insensitivity,而 rc2 的亮点是芬兰赢了世界冰球赛(对 Linus 来说当然是 ^_^)。

rc2 改动最大的地方是 SPDX 相关的版权声明,就是把源代码开头的一堆声明换成了 Linux 基金会下属 SPDX 工作组定义的一句话:”SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+”。一直纳闷,每个文件加那么一大堆声明是确实很烦人的。

另外,Linus 又开启吐槽模式了:

Side note: instead of downloading a 50MB patch, you could probably use the same amount of bandwidth to download and build git, and then use that to download much smaller incremental updates.

I’m surprised that people still even use those nasty patches and tar-balls.

LKML: RISC-V Hypervisors

It’s a great pleasure to inform everyone that we have RISC-V hypervisor extension available for QEMU and along with it we also have Xvisor (a baremetal type-1 hypervisor) working on QEMU with RISC-V hypervisor extension. Currently, we are able to boot two Linux RV64 Guests on Xvisor RV64.

关键词:RISC-V,Xvisor, Qemu, Hypervisor。

RISC-V 作为完全开源的处理器架构,当前的发展如日中天,它的 Qemu 开发支持也在火热进行中。有了基础的 Qemu 模拟和上面的 Hypervisor 支持以后,RISC-V 的后续软硬件开发效率将大大提高,国内的厂商们速度跟进哈。

Phoronix: Linux 5.1.5 修复了一个大大的 Bug

For those concerned by the kernel’s most recent data corruption bug involving LVM, dm-crypt, and Samsung SSD drive combinations leading to FSTRIM/Discard wiping too much data, the issue should be resolved in the newly-minted Linux 5.1.5 kernel.

The fix is a two-line patch to the DeviceMapper code to ensure it obeys the max I/O length target boundary.

关键词:Data Corruption, Device Mapper。

瞄了一眼 BugFix 描述,原来是 Device Mapper 的开发人员在 5.0 的某个修改中误删了一行判断边界的代码,导致有些操作会写出界 ;-(

真是很重的教训,感同身受!过去两周笔者都在忙着修复 Linux Lab 中新引入的新 Bug!随手删掉一行不顺眼的代码很爽快,后果却很严重,而且修复起来让人蛋疼得很!虽然删除的时候觉得已经了然于心了,但是,谨记,慎重!如非必要,切莫动与当前目标无关的其他代码,即使它在你眼里那么看不顺眼。

第 14 届中国 Linux 内核开发者大会征稿中

第十四届中国 Linux 内核开发者大会(CLK) 将于 2019 年 10 月在杭州举行。 CLK 以 “自由,协作,创新” 为理念,以开源技术的推广和普及为使命,旨在促进 Linux 内核开发爱好者相互交流,共同进步。本着纯技术,非商业的原则,现向广大内核开发爱好者征稿。

关键词:CLK 2019,杭州。

征稿时间截止到 8 月 30 日,征稿范围涵盖虚拟化、云计算、文件系统、存储、实时OS、高可用性、高可扩展、Dump, Trace、容器技术、I/O、 深度学习、虚拟现实(VR)、物联网 (IOT)、体系架构和OS前沿进展、安全。

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