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MIPS / Linux 汇编语言编程实例

Wu Zhangjin 创作于 2015/10/04

By Falcon of TinyLab.org 2009-01-18

Hello, MIPS Assembly Programmer!

Hello, MIPS Assembly Programmer, I’m also a newbie of MIPS Assembly Programmer, and here is the practical & “step by step” examples of MIPS Assembly Lanaguage Programming in Linux. which will give us a quick start of MIPS Assembly Programming and safely say goodbye to the other boring materials.

At first, I will say “hello” to you in our first MIPS assembly language program. and also to the world of MIPS :-)

But how to say? we should prepare the compiling & executing environment of MIPS Assembly Language programs first of all. and which environment? a real MIPS machine, such as FULOONG MINI machine(loongson 2e/2f inside) or a MIPS emulator, such as qemu, gxemul, SPIM and so forth, or even a cross compiler with qemu-user-static.

To install MIPSel debian on Qemu, please read Debian on an emulated MIPS(EL) machine or if want to use the method about qemu-user-static, please take a look at Linux Assembly Language Quick Start.

Some of the examples are on tested in a MIPS/Linux system on qemu, so, they may not work with qemu-user-static, but they should be available in the Linux on a real MIPS machine.

Now, Let’s say hello to the MIPS Assembly Language programming world:

# File: hello.s -- Say Hello to MIPS Assembly Language Programmer
# Author: falcon <wuzhangjin@gmail.com>, 2009/01/17
# Ref:
#    * http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Assembly-HOWTO/mips.html
#    * MIPS Assembly Language Programmer's Guide
#    * See MIPS Run Linux(second version)
# Compile:
#    $ sudo apt-get install gcc-4.3-mipsel-linux-gnu qemu-user-static
#    $ mipsel-linux-gnu-gcc hello.s -static
#    $ ./a.out

    .globl main

    .set noreorder
    .cpload $gp      # setup the pointer to global data
    .set reorder
                     # print sth. via sys_write
    li $a0, 1        # print to standard ouput
    la $a1, stradr   # set the string address
    lw $a2, strlen   # set the string length
    li $v0, 4004     # index of sys_write:
                     # __NR_write in /usr/include/asm/unistd.h
    syscall          # causes a system call trap.

                     # exit via sys_exit
    move $a0, $0     # exit status as 0
    li $v0, 4001     # index of sys_exit
                     # __NR_exit in /usr/include/asm/unistd.h

stradr: .asciiz "Hello, World!\n"
strlen: .word . - stradr # current address - the string address

In this demo, we showed how to use system calls provided by Linux, including the sys_write and sys_exit. And also introduced that there is a need to include the following instructions in the MIPS Assebmly Language program in Linux.

.set noreorder
.cpload $gp
.set reorder

We will introduce MIPS/Linux system call usage standalonely in the last section.

Operate hardware

Operate memory: load & store

There are some load instructions for loading data from memory to registers, such as lw, lh, lb. If without the u postfix, using sign extension.

Here is a demo, load.s:

# File: load.s -- load data(w/hw/b) from memory to a temp register

    .globl main

    .set noreorder
    .cpload $gp
    .set reorder

    lw $t0, memory
    lh $t1, memory
    lb $t2, memory

    lhu $t3, memory
    lbu $t4, memory

    .align 4
    .word 0xABCDE080

Now, let’s take a look at the back of the load instructions as following (This example is on a real MIPS machine).

$ echo $MACHTYPE    // big endian, just like x86
$ gcc -g -o load load.s    // compile with debugging info
$ gdb ./load        // trace the excuting procedure with gdb command
GNU gdb 6.8-debian
This GDB was configured as "mips-linux-gnu"...
(gdb) break main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x400678: file load.s, line 8.
(gdb) r            // start running & stop before the first instruction
Starting program: /root/load

Breakpoint 1, main () at load.s:11
11        lw $t0, memory
Current language:  auto; currently asm
(gdb) p/x memory   // hex value in the memory address
$1 = 0xabcde080
(gdb) p/x $t0      // before excuting any instruction
$2 = 0x2ac4c2e4
(gdb) s            // execute the first instruction: lw $t0, memory
12        lh $t1, memory
(gdb) p/x $t0
$3 = 0xabcde080
(gdb) s
13        lb $t2, memory
(gdb) p/x $t1
$4 = 0xffffabcd
(gdb) s
15        lhu $t3, memory
(gdb) p/x $t2
$5 = 0xffffffab
(gdb) s
16        lbu $t4, memory
(gdb) p/x $t3
$6 = 0xabcd
(gdb) s
0x004006cc in main ()
(gdb) p/x $t4
$7 = 0xab

And of course, there are some store instructions for storing data to the memory, such as sw, sh, sb:

# store.s -- swap data in the memory address: x & y

    .globl main

    .set noreorder
    .cpload $gp
    .set reorder

    lw $t0, y
    lw $t1, x
    sw $t0, x
    sw $t1, y

    .word 0x000000FF
    .word 0xABCDE080

And the debug information on a real MIPS machine:

$ gcc -o store store.s -g
$ gdb ./store
(gdb) break main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x400678: file store.s, line 8.
(gdb) r
Starting program: /root/store

Breakpoint 1, main () at store.s:11
11        lw $t0, y
Current language:  auto; currently asm
(gdb) p/x x
$1 = 0xff
(gdb) p/x y
$2 = 0xabcde080
(gdb) s
12        lw $t1, x
(gdb) s
13        sw $t0, x
(gdb) s
14        sw $t1, y
(gdb) s
0x004006b8 in main ()
(gdb) p/x x
$3 = 0xabcde080
(gdb) p/x y
$4 = 0xff

Operate registers

MIPS can move data between registers directly via the move instruction, In fact, move is a pseudo instruction which equal to the real MIPS instruction:

move r, s <==>    or r, s, $0

or is a logical operation which will be introduced in the next section, Here is a demo of using move instruction.

# move.s -- swap data in two registers with move instruction

    .globl main

    .set noreorder
    .cpload $gp
    .set reorder

    lw $t0, x   # init
    lw $t1, y
                # swap
    move $t2, $t0       # t0 -> t2
    move $t0, $t1       # t1 -> t0
    move $t1, $t2       # t2(t0) -> t1

    .word 0x000000ff
    .word 0xabcde080

Pseudo instructions are also defined in the MIPS standard, which can be used by the assembly programmer and translated into the real MIPS instructions via the assemblers. for examples:

not r, s <==> nor r, s, $0
move r, s <==> or r, s, $0
li r, c <==> ori r, $0, c

Here is a demo of using pseudo instruction.

# replace.s -- replace the low byte of $t0 by the low byte of $t1, leaving $t0
# otherwise intact via using bitmasks and logical instructions

    .globl main
    li $t0, 0x11223344
    li $t1, 0x88776655
    # paste the low byte of $t1 into the low byte of $t0
    # ($t0 = 0x11223355)
    and $t0, $t0, 0xffffff00
    and $t1, $t1, 0xff
    or $t0, $t0, $t1


Up to now, we just play with the hardwares, in reality, we need to do some real things: calculation

Logical calculation

At first, let’s learn how to do some logical operations in MIPS. There are lots of logical operating instructions, such as and,andi, or, ori, nor, xor, xori, not.

This demo will show how to swap two number in two registers via xor instruction.

# xor.s -- swap two number in two registers, $t0 and $t1

    .globl main

    .set noreorder
    .cpload $gp
    .set reorder

    lw $t0, x
    lw $t1, y

    xor $t0, $t0, $t1
    xor $t1, $t0, $t1
    xor $t0, $t0, $t1

    .word 0x000000ff
    .word 0xabcde080

Arithmetical calculation

Now, it’s time to introduce the arithmatical calculation, which include +,-,*,/, concretely, add,addu,addi,addiu,sub,subu,mulo,mul,div,divu, and of course, the other related operations, such as abs, neg, negu, rem, remu, sll, sllv, srl, srlv, sra, srav, rol, ror. some of these instructions also be classified into bit operating instructions or shift/rotate instructions.

# calc.s -- a not complex arithmetical operations
# (x^2 + y^2)/(x^2 - y^2): 
# 1. $t0 <- x^2, $t1 <- y^2
# 2. $t2 <- $t0 + $t1, $t3 <- $t0 - $t1
# 3. $t4 <- $t2 / $t3 (quotient)
# 4. $t5 <- $t2 / $t3 (remainder)

    .globl main

    .set noreorder
    .cpload $gp
    .set reorder

    li $t6, 3           # x
    li $t7, 2           # y
    mul $t0, $t6, $t6   # x^2
    mul $t1, $t7, $t7   # y^2
    add $t2, $t0, $t1   # x^2 + y^2
    sub $t3, $t0, $t1   # x^2 - y^2
                        # (x^2+y^2)/(x^2-y^2)
    div $t5, $t2, $t3   # remainder(lo)
    mfhi $t4            # quotient(hi)

Flow control

MIPS provides two methods to change the flow control, one is the unconditionally, another is depending on the specified condition, e.g. equality of two registers.


# fib.s -- compute the fibonacii numbers...
# $a0, parameter n
# $v0, last Fibonacci number computed so far(and result)
# t0, second last Fibonacci number computed so far
# t1, temporary scratch register

    .globl main

    .set noreorder
    .cpload $gp
    .set reorder

    li $a0, 1    # fib(n): paramter n
    move $v0, $a0  # n < 2 => fib(n) = n
    blt $a0, 2, done

    li $t0, 0
    li $v0, 1

    add $t1, $t0, $v0
    move $t0, $v0
    move $v0, $t1
    sub $a0, $a0, 1
    bgt $a0, 1, fib

    sw $v0, result 
    .word 0x11111111


# booth.s -- multiply two's complement numbers, equivalent functionality is provided by MIPS instruction mult

    .globl main

    .set noreorder
    .cpload $gp
    .set reorder

    li $a0, -5  # parameter A
    li $a1, 7   # parameter C
    li $v0, 0   # R <- 0
    li $t1, 0   # A(-1) <- 0
    li $t0, 32  # i <- n (32 bits)
    and $t2, $a0, 0x00000001    # $t2 <- A0
    sll $t2, $t2, 1
    or $t2, $t2, $t1    # $t2 = A0,A(-1)
    beq $t2, 2, case10  # $t2 = 10?
    beq $t2, 1, case01  # $t2 = 01?
    b shift             # $t2 = 00 or $t2 = 11
    sub $v0, $v0, $a1   # R <- R - C
    b shift
    add $v0, $v0, $a1   # R <- R + C
    and $t1, $a0, 0x00000001 # A(-1) <- A0
    and $t2, $v0, 0x00000001 # save R0
    sll $t2, $t2, 31
    srl $a0, $a0, 1     # shift right A
    or $a0, $a0, $t2    # A31 <- R0
    sra $v0, $v0, 1     # arithmetic shift right R
    sub $t0,$t0, 1      # i <- i - 1
    bnez $t0, booth     # i = 0?
                        # result in $v0,$a0

Memory addressing modes: access consecutive ranges of memory addresses

Addressing modes include immediate address, IP related address, direct, indirect & indexed addressing.

ModeExampleMIPS instruction(s)Remark [Address]
immediateandi $t0, $t0, 0x03 16-bit constant embedded in instruction
IP relatedbeqz $t0, done signed 16-bit jump offset o embedded in instruction [IP + 4 × o]
directlw $t0, 0x11223344lui $at, 0x1122[0x11223344]
  lw $t0, 0x3344($at) 
indirectlw $t0, ($t1)lw $t0, 0($t1)[$t1]
indexedlw $t0, 0x11223344($t1)lui $at, 0x1122[0x11223344 + $t1]
  addu $at, $at, $t1 
  lw $t0, 0x3344($at) 

Here is the very classical example of copy data from the first memory area to another.

# copy.s -- Copying byte sequences via lb/sb is inefficient on von-Neumann machines

    .globl main

    .set noreorder
    .cpload $gp
    .set reorder

    li $a0, 11     # length n of byte sequence
    la $a1, src    # source address
    la $a2, dst    # destination address
    and $t1, $a0, 0x03
    srl $t0, $a0, 2
    beqz $t0, rest
    lw $t2, ($a1)
    sw $t2, ($a2)
    add $a1, $a1, 4
    add $a2, $a2, 4
    sub $t0, $t0, 1
    b copy
    beqz $t1, done
    lb $t2, ($a1)
    sb $t2, ($a2)
    add $a1, $a1, 1
    add $a2, $a2, 1
    sub $t1, $t1, 1
    b rest

    .align 4
    .byte 0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99, 0xAA
    .align 4
    .space 11

Another short but not efficient implementation method is like this:

# copy_lsb.s -- copy a sequence of n bytes from address src to address dst

    .globl main

    .set noreorder
    .cpload $gp
    .set reorder

    li $t0, 5
    lb $t1, src($t0)
    sb $t1, dst($t0)
    sub $t0, $t0, 1
    bgez $t0, copy

    .byte 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66
    .space 6

Now, let’s see the buble sort algorithm implmented in MIPS Assembly Language.

# bub.s -- Bubble sort is a simple sorting algorithm

    .globl main

    .set noreorder
    .cpload $gp
    .set reorder

    li $a0, 10          # parameter n
    sll $a0, $a0, 2     # number of bytes in array A
    sub $t0, $a0, 8     # $t0: j-1
    li $t1, 0           # no swap yet
    lw $t2, A+4($t0)    # $t2 <- A[j]
    lw $t3, A($t0)      # $t3 <- A[j-1]
    bgt $t2, $t3, no_swap # A[j] <= A[j-1]?
    sw $t2, A($t0)      # A[j-1] <- $t2  \ move bubble
    sw $t3, A+4($t0)    # A[j] <- $t3   / $t2 upwards
    li $t1, 1           # swap occurred
    sub $t0, $t0, 4     # next array element
    bgez $t0, inner     # more?
    bnez $t1, outer     # did we swap?
A:                      # array A (sorted in-place)
    .word 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,2,1,3


The best solution to resolve the complex problem is dividing the big problem to several parts. in programming, the relative solution is procedure(sub-routines).

And in MIPS, there is an instruction jal (jump and link, $ra <- IP+4, IP <- a), which jumps to the given address (a procedure entry point) and records the correct return address in register $ra. and in the calle, there is only a need to execute j $ra (IP <- $ra) to return to the correct address in the caller.

Here is a very simple demo for compute the average of two numbers:

# avr.s -- compute the average of two numbers

    .globl main

    .set noreorder
    .cpload $gp
    .set reorder

    li $a0, 9
    li $a1, 1
    jal average
    sw $v0, result

    add $v0, $a0, $a1
    sra $v0, $v0, 1
    j $ra        

    .word 0

As the above demo shows, jal & j is not powerful enough like the call & ret in x86. before jumping to the target address, the call instruction save the next address in the stack, and accordingly, when returning, the ret instruction get the next address in the top of the stack and jump to it. but here, jal & j use the $ra to save the next address, so, if we want to use recursion, there is a need to save & restore the $ra ourselves.

The basic solution is like this:

MIPSX86pseudo codestack
jal proccall procpush done\/
done: jmp to procdone
subu $sp, $sp, 4   
sw $ra, 4($sp)   
jal proc  return
lw $ra, 4($sp)   
addu $sp, $sp, 4 popdone
j $raretjmp to done/\

ok, let’s implement the binary search algorithm in MIPS Assembly Language.

# rec.s -- Recursive binary search

first: # sorted array of 32 bit words
    .word 2, 3, 8, 10, 16, 21, 35, 42, 43, 50, 64, 69
    .word 70, 77, 82, 83, 84, 90, 96, 99, 100, 105, 111, 120
last:    # address just after sorted array

    .globl main

# binary search in sorted array
# input: search value (needle) in $a0
#         base address of array in $a1
#         last address of array in $a2
# output: address of needle in $v0 if found,
#         0 in $v0 otherwise

    .set noreorder
    .cpload $gp
    .set reorder

    li $a0, 42          # needle value
    la $a1, first       # address of first array entry
    la $a2, last - 4    # address of last array entry
    jal binsearch       # perform binary search
    li $v0, 4001

    subu $sp, $sp, 4    # allocate 4 bytes on stack
    sw $ra, 4($sp)      # save return address on stack
    subu $t0, $a2, $a1  # $t0 <- size of array    
    bnez $t0, search    # if size > 0, continue search
    move $v0, $a1       # address of only entry in array
    lw $t0, ($v0)       # load the entry
    beq $a0, $t0, return  # equal to needle value? yes => return
    li $v0, 0           # no => needle not in array
    b return            # done, return
    sra $t0, $t0, 3     # compute offset of middle entry m:
    sll $t0, $t0, 2     # $t0 <- ($t0 / 8) * 4
    addu $v0, $a1, $t0  # compute address of middle entry m
    lw $t0, ($v0)       # $t0 <- middle entry m
    beq $a0, $t0, return  # m = needle? yes => return
    blt $a0, $t0, go_left # needle less than m? yes =>
                        # search continues left of m
    addu $a1, $v0, 4    # search continues right of m
    jal binsearch       # recursive call
    b return            # done, return
    move $a2, $v0       # search continues left of m
    jal binsearch       # recursive call
    lw $ra, 4($sp)      # recover return address from stack
    addu $sp, $sp, 4    # release 4 bytes on stack
    j $ra               # return to caller

System call

The system calls usage in Linux / MIPS is something like in Linux / i386, we use sys_write as an examples for showing the “likeness”:

Linux / MIPSLinux / i386 
li $a0, 1movl $1, %ebx# arg1
la $a1, stradrmovl $stradr, %ecx# arg2
lw $a2, strlenmovl $strlen, %edx# arg3
li $v0, 4004movl $4, %eax# syscall no.
  # defined in /usr/include/asm/unistd*.h
syscallint $0x80# activate the system call and
  # enter into the kernel space

Here is a complete demo for showing how to use system call in Linux / i386.

# syscall.s -- using system call in Linux/i386

    .globl main

    movl $1, %ebx
    movl $stradr, %ecx
    movl $strlen, %edx
    movl $4, %eax       # __NR_write in /usr/include/asm/unistd_32.h
    int  $0x80

    movl $0, %ebx
    movl $1, %eax       # __NR_exit in /usr/include/asm/unistd_32.h
    int  $0x80 

    .ascii "Hello, World!\n\r"
    .word . - stradr


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