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Optimizing Embedded Systems using Busybox

Wu Zhangjin 创作于 2013/11/20

by falcon of TinyLab.org 2013/11/20


Instant Optimizing Embedded Systems using Busybox is a micro book written bythe members of TinyLab.org, will be published this month in Packt Publishing, it isavailable for Pre-order now: http://www.packtpub.com/optimizing-embedded-systems-using-busybox/book.

This book will teach you how to build an embedded (Android Linux) system withBusybox, enhance its functionality to meet diverse system requirements, andoptimize it to provide a better user experience for embedded products (E.g.Android/Linux Smartphones or tablets).

TinyLab.org will work as a direct communication channel between the authors and thereaders, welcome your feedbacks; the related topics of this book will be deeplydiscussed here, welcome your participation.

Cover of this book

The cover of the book: Instant Optimizing Embedded Systems using Busybox [Instant]


  • Build and play embedded (Android Linux) system with Busybox from scratch
  • Configure, compile, cross compile, and install Busybox
  • Build external utilities and development environments (include Bash and C) for a Busybox-based embedded system to meet diverse system requirements
  • Set up the required environment and tools for an embedded (Android Linux) system development
  • Optimize multiple aspects of an embedded (Android Linux) system using some powerful Busybox applets

What you will learn from this book

  • Learn to configure and compile Busybox from source code for different platforms
  • Replace the original Android mksh console with Busybox ash console
  • Learn to integrate new applets to Busybox
  • Build a development environment such as Bash and C for a Busybox-based embedded system and use it on an Android emulator
  • Tailor the system size to reduce disk and memory footprint
  • Guarantee system stability with test automation
  • Save on power costs to lengthen battery life and reduce charging times
  • Speed up system boot time to save users’ waiting time
  • Increase system serviceability with debugging and tracing methods


Filled with practical, step-by-step instructions and clear explanations for themost important and useful tasks. A step-by-step guide which provides conciseand clear recipes for getting started with Busybox.

Who this book is for

If you are an embedded system developer or Android developer who wishes tolearn to build an embedded (Android Linux) system from scratch, as well as tooptimize the system performance, then this book will be great for you. It’sassumed that you have some experience in Linux and UNIX utilities. If you are anew developer, this book will also help you to get started with Busybox andAndroid Linux development.

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