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35 款 WordPress 精品插件一览

Wu Zhangjin 创作于 2015/04/12

by Falcon of TinyLab.org 2015/04/09


WordPress 作为最流行的建站系统之一,它最大的优点莫过于可扩展性非常好,有非常丰富的插件库。



OK,如果确实打算选用 WordPress,那让我们来过以下 泰晓科技 曾经调研或者正在使用的各类精品插件吧。




  • Akismet

    Akismet is quite possibly the best way in the world to protect your blog from comment and trackback spam. It keeps your site protected from spam even while you sleep.

  • Captcha

    Plugin Captcha intended to prove that the visitor is a human being and not a spam robot. Plugin asks the visitor to answer a math question.

  • SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam

    Adds CAPTCHA anti-spam methods to WordPress forms for comments, registration, lost password, login, or all. This prevents spam from automated bots. WP, WPMU, and BuddyPress compatible. SettingsDonate
  • WP-Ban

    Ban users by IP, IP Range, host name, user agent and referer url from visiting your WordPress’s blog. It will display a custom ban message when the banned IP, IP range, host name, user agent or referer url tries to visit you blog. You can also exclude certain IPs from being banned. There will be statistics recordered on how many times they attemp to visit your blog. It allows wildcard matching too.


  • WP-HTML-Compression

    Reduce file size by shortening URLs and safely removing all standard comments and unnecessary whitespace from an HTML document.

  • WP Widget Cache

    Cache the output of your blog widgets. Usually it will significantly reduce the sql queries to your database and speed up your site.

  • Autoptimize

    Optimizes your website, concatenating the CSS and JavaScript code, and compressing it.

  • HeadJS Plus

    A plugin to load HeadJS in WordPress to speedup loading.

  • DB Cache Reloaded Fix

    The fastest cache engine for WordPress, that produces cache of database queries with easy configuration. (Disable and enable caching after update). Now compatible with WordPress 3.1.

  • Hyper Cache Extended

    Hyper Cache Extended is a cache system for WordPress to improve it’s perfomances and save resources. Before update read the version changes. To manually upgrade remeber the sequence: deactivate, update, activate.


  • Baidu Sitemap Generator

    This pulgin generates a Baidu XML-Sitemap for WordPress Blog. Also Build a real Static Sitemap-Page for all Search Engine.生成百度 Sitemap XML 文件。就相当于网站被百度–全球最大的中文搜索引擎订阅,进而为您的网站带来潜在的流量。同时生成一个静态的站点地图页面,对所有的搜索引擎都有利。


  • Email Login

    Allows you to log into WordPress (directly or via XML-RPC) using your email address instead of a(nother) username.


  • Configure SMTP

    Configure SMTP mailing in WordPress, including support for sending e-mail via SSL/TLS (such as GMail).

  • Contact Form

    Plugin for Contact Form.


  • Markdown on Save Improved

    Allows you to compose content in Markdown on a per-item basis from WP admin or mobile/3rd-party apps. The markdown version is stored separately, so you can deactivate this plugin and your posts won’t spew out Markdown. Based on Mark Jaquith’s plugin.

  • qTranslate

    Adds userfriendly multilingual content support into WordPress. For Problems visit the Support Forum.

  • Revision Control

    Allows finer control over the number of Revisions stored on a global & per-type/page basis.

  • WP Slug Translate

    WP Slug Translate can translate the post slug into English. It will take the post ID as slug when translation failure.

  • WP-UTF8-Excerpt

    This plugin generates a better excerpt for multibyte language users (Chinese, for example). Besides, it keeps the html tags in the excerpt. 为使用多字节语言(如中文)的Wordpress用户提供更好的摘要算法,以解决Wordpress默认摘要算法只考虑西方语言的不足。此外,此插件产生的摘要可保留原文中的格式。


  • Crayon Syntax Highlighter

    Supports multiple languages, themes, highlighting from a URL, local file or post text.

  • Google Doc Embedder

    Lets you embed PDF, MS Office, TIFF, and many other file types in a web page using the Google Docs Viewer (no Flash or PDF browser plug-ins required).

  • Table of Contents Plus

    A powerful yet user friendly plugin that automatically creates a table of contents. Can also output a sitemap listing all pages and categories.

  • Random Posts Widget

    Display Random Posts Widget. This simple plugin is a widget that displays a list of random posts on your widgetized sidebar. It supports multiple instances with WordPress 2.8 and above.

  • Yet Another Related Posts Plugin

    Adds related posts to your site and in RSS feeds, based on a powerful, customizable algorithm. Enabling YARPP Pro gives you access to even more powerful features. Find out more.

  • Guerrilla’s Author Box

    This is a plugin that adds an author box to the end of your WordPress posts.


  • Search Meter

    Keeps track of what your visitors are searching for. After you have activated this plugin, you can check the Search Meter section in the Dashboard to see what your visitors are searching for on your blog.

  • WP-PostViews

    Enables you to display how many times a post/page had been viewed.

  • Top Authors

    A highly customizable widget that sums the top authors(most contributing) on your blog

  • Top Commentators Widget

    Adds a sidebar widget to show the top commentators in your WP site. Adapted from Show Top Commentators plugin.

  • WordPress Popular Posts

    Showcases your most popular posts to your visitors on your blog’s sidebar.


  • WP Ajaxify Comments

    WP Ajaxify Comments 将嵌入您的当前主题,为评论框增加 Ajax 动态效果。

  • Thumbs Rating

    Add thumbs up/down rating to your content.

文章导出为 PDF

  • WP Print Friendly

    Extends WordPress’ template system to support printer-friendly templates. Works with permalink structures to support nice URLs.

FAQ & 代码片段

  • Q and A Focus Plus FAQ

    A full featured FREE FAQ and Knowledge Base plugin for WordPress. Based on the free Q & A FAQ and Knowledge Base by Raygun Design LLC, Q & A Focus Plus includes numerous modifications, enhancements and new features such as comments, tag support and ratings.

  • Code Snippets

    An easy, clean and simple way to add code snippets to your site. No need to edit to your theme’s functions.php file again!


通过引入上述一大堆插件以后,用 WordPress 搭建的站点就有了类似本站的效果。

不过要从头开始找这么多插件并逐个验证,的确是一项繁琐的工作。如果加上必要的插件调整,比如说要调整布局,调整展示效果,那么基于 WordPress 定制一个站点的开销非常可观。

随着 Markdown 的普及以及各类静态建站系统的发展,WordPress 的冬天或许就要到了。

关于 SEO 优化,请参考本站之前写的 WordPress 网站SEO优化

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